The power of prevention: Understanding heart health.

the Surest health plan offers preventative care to allow you to be proactive about your heart health.

Taking care of your heart health

Did you know heart disease kills more people in the United States than any other disease? According to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 695,000 people in the United States died from heart disease in 2021— that's 1 in every 5 deaths1.

By making cardiovascular health a priority, you may experience increased energy, an improved mood, lowered stress, and a reduced risk of heart disease, according to the American Heart Association2. With some simple lifestyle changes, regular checkups, and by making the most of your Surest health plan, you may strengthen your heart and add years to your life.

The power of prevention

Your heart is responsible for pumping blood throughout your body and providing oxygen and nutrients to your organs and tissues. Evaluating your cardiovascular health is one first step you could take in prioritizing your heart health. It may seem simple, but by doing the following, you may be able to make a big difference to the health of your heart3:

Being proactive and taking steps to improve your heart health is an investment in yourself. According to the AHA, if you have a pre-existing condition, you should work with your chosen health care provider to help manage your condition. Surest is designed to help you find effective and affordable care for your health needs, including pre-existing conditions.

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How Surest can help

Preventive care is a must. For Surest health plan members, check the Surest app or website to find preventive services and programs available to you.

If you’ve been diagnosed with a heart condition, the Surest Clinical Advocacy team is available to help you understand your benefits and connect you with programs and resources like the Centers of Excellence network through Optum. This program offers valuable services and support for congenital heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases. Call Surest Member Services at the number on the back of your Surest member ID card and ask to speak with a clinical advocate who can connect you with care.

The Surest health plan is designed to help members search for, evaluate, and make informed care decisions, and hopefully improve their health and add years to their life.

Did you know you can visit a doctor virtually?

You may be able to schedule either a virtual visit or a telehealth visit — both options allow you to seek care from a provider without going to a clinic. Note: Not all doctors offer this service, so check with your provider first.

Search for care using common terms like cholesterol, blood pressure, and heart disease to find in-office and virtual care options available to you.

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Healthy choices can help improve cardiovascular health

One way to improve cardiovascular health is to exercise regularly. Exercise not only helps to strengthen your heart, but it also helps to reduce your risk of developing heart disease. Aim for around 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise, like walking, jogging, biking, or swimming. Lifting weights and building muscle is also a great way to improve your overall health, as reported by the Mayo Clinic4.

Additionally, making healthy food choices can improve your cardiovascular health. According to Just Heart, try to make it a goal to incorporate fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats into your diet. Don't forget to manage your stress levels and make sure to get plenty of good sleep, as both can have a significant impact on your heart health.

Depending on factors like your age and family history, you should also start receiving regular screenings for blood pressure and cholesterol level — two important indicators of cardiovascular disease. Taking preventive steps now is an effective way to reduce your risk of a heart attack, stroke, or heart disease.

With heart disease consistently a leading cause of death in the United States — and heart disease being a factor that leads to heart attack or stroke — it’s important to pay attention to warning signs and symptoms.

Warning signs and symptoms

If you believe you’re having a heart attack or stroke, you should call 911 immediately. Heart attack symptoms can vary, so make sure and talk about any signs with your doctor5.

Common heart attack signs include:

Men and women can have different heart attack symptoms. The most common among both genders is chest pain, but women can also experience shortness of breath, back pressure, fainting, vomiting, and back or jaw pain6.

Stroke symptoms are often more easily recognizable than those for a heart attack. According to the AHA, here is how to spot a stroke F.A.S.T.:

Note: If you or someone you know shows any of these symptoms, even if the symptoms go away, call 911 and get to the hospital immediately.

1,United%20States%20from%20cardiovascular%20disease.&text=About%20695%2C000%20people%20in%20the,1%20in%20every%205%20deaths.&text=Heart%20disease%20cost%20the%20United,year%20from%202018%20to%202019. Accessed Jan. 18, 2024.

2 American Heart Association "Healthy Living Toolkit," 2023.

4Mayo Clinic

5American Heart Association

6American Heart Association "Heart and stroke symptoms," 2023.

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